Mary Grant
Portrait bust of Queen Victoria by Mary Grant.
The eldest daughter of John Grant of Kilgraston, Mary had a home-based education with governesses, bible study, art, needlework and horse-riding. With a step grandmother who lived in Paris, she became a good French speaker. Modelling in clay from an early age, the first account of a completed bust was when she was 23.
Persuading her father that she wished to establish a professional studio at the age of 30, Mary became one of the very early, female, professional sculptors. By the age of 32 one of her portrait busts was exhibited at The International Exhibition in London. Numerous commissions, including from HM Queen Victoria, followed and her work was frequently exhibited in the Royal Academy. She also completed religious sculptures some of which can be seen in the cathedrals at Lichfield, Winchester and St Mary’s, Edinburgh.