St Andrews
R&A World Golf Museum, St. Andrews.
It was a great experience to give a lecture on the Three Golfing Brothers at the R&A World Museum of Golf recently. Apart from leading me into some fascinating preparatory research there is always something special about being at the “Home of Golf” among historians of the game.
John Grant was, of course, Captain of the R&A as well as the Royal Perth Golfing Society and he loved spending time in St Andrews either on the links or with his family in the house he rented for the summers in North Bell Street (now Greyfriars Garden), just s short walk from the links.
He was also instrumental in the extensive refurbishment of the West Port, which had fallen into a dilapidated state.
Francis Grant’s portrait of John Whyte-Melville, a friend of the Grants and another R&A Captain hangs in the Big Room of the R&A, while Hope Grant was a medal winner at St Andrews.